Sarah Grace Dye is a visual artist with 3o years of experience within the arts sector both through practice, curating and teaching.
I collect objects and ephemera along with a plethora of related stories some true some imagined narrative. My practice is about documenting, recording, collecting and sharing these stories through drawing and creating artist’s books. Process is key to my practice especially if that process has some element of surprise in the outcome. Through the process and practice of playing I explore these objects and their associated memories. I predominantly work with paper, collage, ink, watercolour and cyanotype but often have a little meander into something else when a project requires it. The ritual of drinking tea is also a necessary part of each day.
I am a firm believer that everyone has the capacity to be creative and am keen to, wherever possible, provide the catalyst for that to be realised. My belief in the freedom to play and discover ones own marks is central and I am constantly developing this area within my own practice.
I am very proud to be a Yorkshire lass and am based in Frankfurt Germany.
Sarah Grace Dye is also known as The Nomadic Northerner

‘It is the essence of life that it does not begin here or end there, or connect a point of origin with a final destination, but rather that it keeps on going, finding a way through the myriad of things that form, persist and break up in its currents. Life, in short, is a movement of opening, not of closure.’
Tim Ingold – Being Alive: Essays on Movement,
Knowledge and Description
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Above is a downloadable booklet about my work please feel free to download and share where appropriate.
Below is my CV also available to download if required.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have a query, have enjoyed my work or would like further information about commissions, sales or would like me to run a workshop or series of workshops for you. Workshops can be conducted in person, via zoom or as a correspondence course.